
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

So tired but so worth it...

To say that my life is busy would be a slight understatement.  But thank goodness there is a thing called naps.  Naps are a blessing for me as that is when I can nap myself, catch up with my best friend Jess (, catch up on household stuff that needs to be done like dishes, laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc, give my dog some much needed attention, go online and just relax, and I also love naps cause the house is finally somewhat quiet and I don't hear the noise of my daughter's favorite show on the background.

And on that note, I must go.  My son just woke up from his nap and he needs to be fed and changed.. and in a matter of minutes my daughter will be up from her nap as well.  Gotta love this life.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Brief update on me...

Sorry I have not been blogging as much as I would like to, but here is a brief update on what has been going on in my life.  I gave birth to my son ten days ago on April 19, 2014.  And since he's been here I have had little to no time to really sit and blog and post anything.  But I am sure I will get into a set routine and start doing that again. 

The birth of my son has been a blessing.  My husband and I have been truly blessed with one of each, a son and a daughter.  It is a lot of hard work dealing with a demanding toddler and a newborn, but we make it work.  Unfortunately he goes back to work next week and I'll be home with the two kids by myself until he comes home from work.  I have found several resources on things I can have my toddler do to entertain her.  But the problem sometimes is that she wants to be where I am or she wants to smother her little brother with kisses.  It can get a little overwhelming trying to feed him and have her stand over you and kiss her brother over and over.  I guess I should appreciate that there is no sibling rivalry yet. 

I have been having a little problem lately with my daughter though.  Lately she has been climbing up on the couches in our house.  I know from the couch to the floor is not far and even if she fell nothing catastrophic would happen, but still, as a mother to my little miracle baby (my daughter) I worry and fear constantly that she is going to hurt herself.  But before she was able to climb on the couch if one of us were sitting there and she'd grab onto our pant leg and climb up.  But just recently we discovered her being able to climb on her own without us sitting.  We put boxes on the couches to see if that would prevent her from climbing but it didn't last long.  She still sometimes climbs up but not as badly as before.  Anyone have tips on what to do?  My floor in the living room is tile and I have put carpets and a foam mat by the floor near the couch to "cushion" her fall, but it is not very reassuring still.

Sorry there have been no food posts or anything else really.  It's just been a crazy couple of months.  Hope everyone has a great one!