
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My daughter amuses me everyday

I can't believe in two and a half months my daughter will be three years old!  Time definitely flew by because it seems just like yesterday she was born.  I still remember the day we went to the hospital to get induced like it was yesterday.  I have decided that when my daughter turns three in a couple of months that I am going to write her a letter everyday until she turns 18 and give them all to her on her 18th birthday.  I plan to write about things she did, things she said, things that happened in the world, etc.; it will be like a journal in a way for me.

It's amazing to see how far she has come in the two and a half years.  I remember the day at work my husband texted me a video of her crawling for the first time, he texted me a video of her walking for the first time, and now it's my turn to be able to take videos of our children for him to see while he is at work.

There is an app I downloaded on my phone for my daughter and when she wins the game, she earns a "sticker".  It's funny watching her pick the stickers because she likes to pick the same ones she has and places them together and groups them together.  She is so orderly just like me that I just laugh in my head.  My daughter acts like me in so many ways, but she looks just like my husband.  And my son acts like my husband (for now, it's hard to say what his true personality will be like when he gets a little older) and looks just like me.  

Being a mother has truly been such a blessing for me.  It's something that I never thought I would become but I am so grateful for having a wonderful husband who treats me better than he treats himself, two beautiful and healthy children, and a house above my head every night.  It's truly a blessing indeed.

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