
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Potty training

I honestly think potty training is becoming very exhausting.  I am jealous of the other parents who can get their children potty trained like it's nothing.  One girl I used to know has her daughter potty trained somewhat and she is a few months younger than my daughter.  I don't know how to get my daughter interested in peeing in the potty.  She doesn't seem interested at all and I want to get her potty trained by the end of the summer.

Speaking of my daughter, she hasn't been waking up in the middle of the night so much lately.  It is mostly because she's been sleeping in our room.  My husband puts her to sleep in her room and we wait a hour or a hour and a half before he moves her on our bed.  The only thing that isn't fun about her sleeping on our bed is that she moves around a lot and she doesn't like the comforter over her and eventually she ends up moving at the foot of the bed.  When she's at the foot of the bed I get nervous that she will fall off and get hurt.  Well, yesterday was that night for me.  Last night she was at the foot of the bed and we both woke up to a start to find out that she fell off the bed.  But she didn't wake up and she didn't get hurt.  Next weekend we are going to let her sleep in her room and hope and pray she doesn't wake up in the middle of the night anymore.

Tonight for dinner I am going to make Chicken Burritos.  Again.  This meal is such a huge hit for my husband.  I started menu planning again.  I think at the beginning of June I just got lazy and I didn't want to menu plan anymore.  But that was mostly because my father-in-law was coming in town and I didn't know what to make for dinner when he got here.  So, I just picked random things for two weeks worth of food so we could do a bit more grocery shopping after he left.  But I didn't really think of what to make for the two weeks and after his dad showed up, we picked up some other stuff we thought we would make.  Now I am back to planning meals again but I didn't plan for the whole month.  I just planned three weeks worth of food.  Most of what I decided to make I haven't made before.  The only thing that I am making that is a repeat is the Chicken Burritos.  But we got a pretty good deal on chicken so I'm happy about that.

What are some go-to recipes I should try?

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