
Friday, June 10, 2016

Long delay

Sorry for the lengthy absence of my almost daily blogging.  I just got so busy with things that have been going on.  Not to mention, my son is now climbing on everything!  It is a little overwhelming to make sure he doesn't fall and hurt himself.

But the good news is my daughter is finally done with the school year.  I can't believe how fast the school year went for her!  I registered her for next year yesterday after her four year check up with her doctor.  I still can't believe she's in school.

My husband and I have been doing a lot of grilling lately.  I think it's pretty fun because I don't have to use the oven since it's getting pretty warm here.  Not to mention, a little less cooking for me which is always a nice thing.

I haven't made a card in ages.  But I did make two thank you boxes with six thank you cards and six matching envelopes.  I made those for my daughter's teachers for their end of the school year gifts.  I was seriously not sure what to get them or make them.  But in the end, I decided to make them a set of thank you cards they can send out to people or to keep.  Not sure what I'll do next year.  But once my son is in school, I'll have to make some for his teachers as well.

Well, it's almost nap time in my household for the kids.  So I think I'll end this here and hope I can make it a more consistent basis to write in here.  I can't promise anything because I usually blog when my daughter is in school and my son is playing with his toys.  But now that he is climbing on things, it is a little tougher.

Until next time!