
Monday, April 11, 2016

Wacky Weekend

What a crazy weekend I had!  

On Saturday we were supposed to get rain.  We also wanted to go to Petapalooza with the kids.  We waited until they woke up from their nap to take them and to see how the weather would hold out.  Well, once they woke up, we got them ready to go.

People just don't know how to drive in the rain.  With that being said, it wasn't really raining by our house when we left, but when we started driving further on it started raining.  At one point, we were stopped at a red light and the next thing I know BAM we got rear ended.  The first thing I did was I turned around and made sure my kids were okay, then I asked my husband if he was okay.  Then we both got out of the car and examined the back of the car and started to exchange insurance information.

I am so grateful the kids are okay and the car is okay.  But after the cops showed up and said we could go, we went straight to the emergency room to get the kids checked out.  We wanted to make sure our kids were okay because even though our daughter was telling me she was okay and didn't hurt, we wanted to make sure.

So, I guess after that whole fiasco we decided to not go to Petapalooza and go next year.  Weather permitting, of course.

How was your weekend?  What did you do?  I am going to try to make some new cards this week.  

Until next time!

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