
Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday came too soon

I absolutely love it when the weekend is here.  And I love it even more when it is a great weekend when the kids are happy, there isn't any laundry to do, and I am all caught up on things around the house.

Last weekend was a great one.  This weekend coming up should be good as well.  We are going to go to Petapalooza over the weekend with a couple of our good friends.  It's an event that happens every year.  I love going because I love seeing all these cute dogs there!  It also doesn't hurt getting free swag here and there.

My husband made some pasta sauce over the weekend.  It tasted really good.  He loves making sauce but hasn't had much time lately to make any.  But now he did and it's amazing!

I am getting caught up on some laundry today while my daughter is in school.  I just have a couple to do and a couple to fold and put away as well.  Laundry is never ending over here but I don't mind.

Not much else to report so I'll end this here.  Until next time!

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