
Thursday, March 31, 2016

25 April Fools Jokes I Don't Like

In honor of April Fools being tomorrow, I am going to list 25 pranks/jokes that I don't appreciate.  Some are that have been done on me, and some are ones I have seen others do that I don't think are really nice.  Here we go!

1. People who post on social media that they are pregnant.  I think it's rather insensitive to other women out there who are struggling with infertility.  To announce that you are pregnant when you are not makes me mad.  It's like a slap in the face to other women out there who want to have a child so badly.

2. When someone tells you there's a bug on you and they watch you scream hysterically trying to get rid of the bug on you.  Not cool at all.

3. I hate when people point at your shirt and tell you that you have something on there and when you look down they bop you in the face.  

4. When you go to work and your boss tells you that you're fired, and then as you begin to look crestfallen, they say "April Fools!"

5. As a child, I have had many kids tell me that my shoelaces were untied, so when I would look they would laugh and say "April Fools!"

6. When someone tells you that a loved one passed.  I don't understand why people think it is funny to tell someone else that their loved one or anyone passed away.  It's not funny to me.  It is downright mean.

7. When people switch your medication to something else.  I think that's cruel because people need their medication to help with their health.

8. It's also not funny when someone calls their family members to tell them they are in jail and they need bail money to get out.

9. Putting laxatives in one's food is not funny either.  It's just.. I don't know.  As the words of my three year old daughter, "not nice".

10. This is in segway to number 9... but I don't think it's nice to put Saran wrap on the toilet seat and when someone uses the restroom it ends up on them.

11. Placing fake bugs in the house is somewhat funny, but it's not funny when you place it on someone's food and watch them jump up in fear.

12. I think it is absolutely childish when people change the ink pen color out.  I had a blue ink pen and someone once swapped out the blue ink to a red ink; therefore, it messed up what I was working on for work.

13. I have heard people putting Icy-Hot in one's condoms before.  Let me tell you, that is definitely not funny when someone is in pain.

14. Replacing salt with sugar and vice versa is so not funny!  Especially when it is early in the morning and you need your morning java to help wake you up.

15. Replacing one's shaving cream with something else is not even funny.

16. I have heard people taking Viagra and putting it in a man's drink to get some laughs.  I don't think it's funny to see a man sitting uncomfortably as he is trying to adjust his boner.

17. It isn't funny to me when people take the keys from the keyboard off and replace them randomly all over.

18. I don't think it's funny when people do the Mentos and soda trick.  Unless the person is willing to buy me new clothes afterwards, then this trick is stupid.

19. It's not even remotely funny when someone cooks and makes it super spicy when the other person doesn't like spicy food.

20. On any other day I think this joke is funny, but not on April Fools day.. it is when people overstuff your car with balloons.

21. I have had this done on me and it's not funny, especially since I am so OCD with everything.  But it wasn't funny on April Fools Day one day when my fellow co-workers decided to rearrange my stuff on my desk.

22. My husband has done this to me one year and he hid my keys and phone from me.  

23. My friend did this one year to someone, but he replaced water with vinegar once.

24. It isn't very funny when someone puts laxatives in your food and then super gluing the toilet seat so they can't use the toilet.

25. I have asthma, and I don't think it's funny when someone fakes an attack.

Some of these may be funny in theory, but on April 1, it is not funny to do these things.

Until next time!

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