
Monday, March 14, 2016

So much laundry to do, so little time

Over the weekend we went to a friends house.  They made some Russian pilaf that was so delicious!  We also had this really good salad which consisted of tomatoes, avocadoes, and cucumbers.  It was so good, which is ironic because my husband and I don't like tomatoes.  But we couldn't even taste the tomatoes in the salad.  I just might have to duplicate the salad one day, minus the tomatoes, of course.

Yesterday we went shopping for some more clothes for our son.  That was fun to get some clothes for him.  It's been a fun weekend and next week is Spring Break.

I have so much laundry to do!  I feel like it is never ending.  I have a load in the wash right now and a load in the dryer.  I have two more loads to do after that too.  I have a load that I am hoping I can fold today while they nap.  

This time change thing has really been messing me up.  I am so tired.  It could also be because last night it took forever and a year to get my son to fall asleep.  A couple of hours after he finally fell asleep, my daughter woke up.  Thank goodness for coffee.

This entry will have to be short as I have some much needed cleaning to do as well.  Until next time folks!

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