
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Weekly Rave: My Kids

This weekly rant or rave will be a huge rave.  I am going to rave about my kids.  I love them all so much!  They mean the world to me.

My first is my little baby Chihuahua.  She is and always will be my first child.  I got her when she was eight and a half months old.  She is now ten years old.  We have been through a lot together.  She was by my side when I had a tragedy happen to me.  She was by my side when my ex decided to end our relationship.  She's been by my side through all the good times and all the bad times in the last nine and a half years.  She sleeps in between my husband and I every single night.  I love how she comforts me when no one else does.  

My second is my little baby girl.  She is the only person that I can think about and I start crying uncontrollably.  I can't explain that power she has over me.  But if you understand me, I mean, really understand me, you will somewhat understand.  Every time I see her, she brings a smile to my face and I love her so much that I just want to protect her from all the bad things that go on in the world.  But I know I can't shelter her forever.

Last and certainly not least, my little baby boy.  He is amazing.  I remember when I was pregnant with him and the ultrasound tech told me it was a boy.  I love this little boy to no end and I am enjoying every single moment that I get to be home with him.

I still can't believe that I have a boy and a girl.  So many families strive to get one of each and some fail miserably.  I know one of our friends has three boys and they're wanting a little girl so badly.  We have another friend who has seven boys and they're done having kids so they never got to have the girl they wanted.  I am so blessed beyond words to have my kids.  

And that is my weekly rave!  Until next time!

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