
Thursday, March 10, 2016

25 Reasons Why I Love My Job

I absolutely love my job!  I love being a stay at home mommy.  Although the pay is not in monetary value, I do get lots of hugs and kisses.  To me, the hugs and kisses are way better than money.  Here are 25 reasons why I love being a stay at home mom.

1. I was able to witness my son go from crawling to walking.  That feeling you get when you witness, firsthand, your own child complete a milestone is indescribable.

2. I love that I am able to drive my daughter to and from school.  I love watching her go to school, even though it is tough saying goodbye.  But the big smile on her face when she sees me waiting to pick her up melts my heart.

3. I get to wear my pajamas pretty much all the time.  Enough said.

4. I don't have to worry about how my hair looks.  I can just put my hair up in a messy bun and no one judges me.

5. I don't have to deal with waking up early to put makeup on.

6. My bosses, aka my kids, are the best people in the world.

7. I get to form a bond with my children that I probably wouldn't have if I were to work a regular job, and not get to spend as much time with them.

8. My dog doesn't ever have to feel so lonely at home anymore because I'm always home.

9. I don't have to put too much wear and tear on my car since I don't add a lot of miles on my car.

10. I drive an average of only sixteen miles a week, but if I stop at the store I average about twenty miles a week.

11. I can catch up on my shows on the DVR when the kids nap.

12. Being able to see my son complete many milestones that I would have missed if he were to go to daycare.

13. I don't have to worry about my kids getting sick that often.  When my daughter was in daycare, she was sick a lot, but now that she's in school she doesn't get sick as often which is nice.

14. I don't have to have my hours cut because I have to leave early because a kid is sick.

15. I don't have to worry about making my lunch or buying lunch or try to decide where to go.

16. I get to complete a lot of things on my to-do list when the kids nap.

17. On the weekends I can relax and craft if I wanted while my husband watches the kids for me.

18. If I'm sick, I don't have to worry about missing any pay.  The kids understand somewhat that when I don't feel well to give me some slack.

19. I am able to watch my son grow up right in front of my eyes.  He's not a little baby anymore.  He's becoming a little boy.

20. The conversations I have with my daughter are so fun.  

21. I can have dinner ready for my husband when he gets home.

22. I love that I can greet my husband at the door when he comes home from a long day at work and seeing him makes me the happiest girl in the world.

23. Watching my daughter making such strides in school and at home makes me feel like I succeeded as being a good parent.

24. I don't have to deal with any "office drama".

25. My kids.  Enough said.  I love my kids more than anything in the world and they are the reason why I love my job so much!

Until next time!

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