
Monday, March 7, 2016

Almost Spring Break

In just a few more weeks will be Spring Break for my husband and daughter.  I can not wait!  We are going to have her color some Easter eggs this year.  It will be her first time coloring eggs so we shall see how it turns out.

We are also planning on going to visit my mother for a few days sometime during Spring Break.  That will also be a lot of fun since the kids will get to spend some time with their grandmother and we will be able to get out of town for a few days.

During Spring Break I am hoping that I will get to make some more cards to list as well.  I haven't been able to list and take pictures of the stuff I have made yet.  But I will this week.  I plan on it.  It's just not as easy doing anything anymore with two little kids.  I know once they get a little bit older it will get easier.  Right now I just take things day by day and if I don't get things done, then there will always be another day.

I have three loads of laundry that need to be folded and another two more loads to do.  I hope I can finish folding at least one load while they nap today.  I hope nap time goes easy for both of them and that my son sleeps his entire nap in his crib.

Last night was a rough night putting him to sleep.  We have decided to move bedtime to a hour later so bedtime will be easier for us and so they both sleep all night.  The first night we did this, they both slept all night.  Second night, she woke up in the middle of the night but he slept all night.  The third night, he woke up in the middle of the night and she slept all night.  We have to just keep trying.  Parenting is all about trial and error. 

In a few days will be Daylight Savings Time again and we will have to move our clocks ahead.  I don't know how the kids will do with the time change but we'll see.  I think this weekend we are going to a friends house for lunch and conversation.  It should be fun.

Until next time!

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