
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wednesday Rave: My daughter

This week I am raving about my beautiful daughter.  For the past few weeks, she has been so incredibly amazingly pleasant.  She is using her words to tell me what she wants rather than yell at me like she used to.  She wakes up pleasant, she used to wake up screaming and/or crying hysterically.  I don't know what happened for her to suddenly morph into a pleasant toddler, but I'm not going tocomplain.

I still can't believe she will be turning four in a couple of months.  Time is flying by.  It feels like yesterday that she was born and now here she is talking, walking, and she is even now going to school.  I hope time slows down for my son so I can enjoy him a bit.

My wonderful laundry pile is still there.  I haven't finished.  I hope to finish it today.  But today I have to meet my husband somewhere at 3:30, so we'll see how things go.

I am off to start folding some laundry before I pick up my baby girl.

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