
Monday, March 28, 2016

All good things come to an end

I am sad to say that Spring Break has ended.  Today my husband went back to work and my daughter went back to school.  It is a sad day for me because I was really enjoying having my husband home all the time and I was also really enjoying having my daughter home with me.  

The past few days my son actually had been sleeping all night in his own crib.  But for some reason, he woke up three times last night!  I feel sad that my husband had to get up each time for him since he has to go to work today.  But he didn't seem to mind.

Last week for Spring Break, we went out to lunch with my mom and did some grocery shopping and then we all had dinner with her and my dad later that day.  The next day we did a road trip to visit my mother and spend a few days with her.  The great news about that visit is that we had our daughter completely in her undies the whole time!  It was a great test to see how well potty trained she is.  And I would say I am fairly confident.  She is now about 99% potty trained.

Over the weekend we had our daughter dye some Easter eggs and we hid them when she went to bed that night.  The next day she went looking for them.  It was a lot of fun.  I can't wait to do this with her every year!

Tonight for dinner will be some sort of chicken with veggies and maybe rice.  

It was a fun week with everyone home, but it's now time to get back to the normal life, I guess.

Until next time!

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