
Thursday, February 18, 2016

25 More Random Facts About Me

Here we are.. it is Thursday.  I have decided that on Thursdays, I will be posting 25 random things.  It can be about any certain topic.  Today is a slightly windy day here but the weather is getting warmer.  I think spring is slowly approaching.  I am doing some laundry today while my daughter is in school.  So.. here we go with 25 more random facts about me.

1. I love putting clothes in the washer and dryer.. but I hate folding and putting them away.

2. My feet kept growing until I was in college.  

3. I have an irrational fear of flying.  I don't like any part of flying.

4. It amazes me, still, that I have two beautiful and healthy children.

5. I went bungee jumping once to overcome my fear of heights.  I had fun and I overcame my fear of heights.

6. I went to church camp as a kid and had lots of fun.

7. I am still surprised by the little things that my husband does for me on a daily basis.  I am so blessed I have such a wonderful man.

8. I didn't play sports growing up, but I sure do love watching it.

9. Because my dad has no sons, I took it upon myself to watch sports and get involved in things that my dad enjoyed so he had someone to bond with.

10. I was two years old when I was able to recite my alphabet forward and backward.

11. I have a very good memory.  Sometimes it is a blessing, other times it is a curse.

12. One of my least favorite things in the world is when I am in a deep sleep and I get woken up by the need to pee.  But when my kids wake me up, it's definitely okay.

13. I drink two cups of coffee every single day.

14. When I was eight years old, I got stitches in my head because I did something stupid.

15. I went to prom three times.

16. I absolutely hate even numbers.  

17. I eat my candy by color and by number, I have to have them be a total of an odd number, and by color as well.

18. My favorite dessert in the world is yellow cake with chocolate frosting.

19. I am a pretty good speller, but sometimes when I look at a word long enough, I start second guessing myself on the spelling of it.

20. I don't know how to whistle with my fingers.

21. I have never seen a professional sporting event live.  I have only been to college games.

22. I learned how to ice skate for the first time when I was stoned.

23. I can't skip rocks.

24. I have only lived in Arizona and Nevada.

25. I hate moving because I hate packing, but I love unpacking things.

There you go.. 25 more random facts about me.  Until next time!

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