
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Been a cold one

I don't know about you but I absolutely love Panera Bread's broccoli cheddar soup in their bread bowl.  It's got the right texture and taste to make for a great meal.  My husband took me and the kids out to breakfast last weekend.  We had to go get my engagement ring cleaned and while we were there, he decided to take us to breakfast, too.

It was such a gorgeous morning that we parked at Panera Bread, ate breakfast, and walked over to where the jewelry store was at.  After that we walked back to the car and saw Party City and they were selling balloons for $0.94 and since our daughter loves balloons, we went in so we could get her one.  The kind man at the store didn't charge us for it which was nice and totally unexpected.

On Sunday while the kids were napping, I finished working on my customer's order and mailed it off on Monday after I dropped my daughter off.  I hope she likes her cards.

This week I am going to do another deep clean to the house since we will be having our friends over for Super Bowl.  I can't believe a month has past already in this year.  Time just keeps flying by!

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