
Thursday, February 25, 2016

25 Thursdays: Things That Baffle Me

It is Thursday again.. and that means it is another week of 25 random things!  This week I will be sharing 25 things that baffle me.  

1. With modern technology the way it is, why don't we know who really killed Kennedy?  Surely with the footages that were recorded they could help us figure it out.

2. Why do cars pass me only to go slower?  It makes no sense to me at all.

3. Why can't we figure out what happened to all the planes and boats that mysteriously disappeared in the "Bermuda Triangle"?  I don't believe in the whole conspiracy behind it.

4. Where is Jimmy Hoffa's body?  My theory is he got killed and the killer threw his body in the wood chipper and buried the remains under concrete somewhere.

5. Laundry.. I don't understand how I feel like I am always doing laundry and it seems like the pile never seems to go away.

6. Why am I always so tired when my kids are awake and then once they're asleep and I'm laying in bed, I am left wide awake?  Ugh, that drives me crazy!

7. Have you ever noticed when you're driving in an unfamiliar area and you need to find an address or a house, you turn down the music?  I do it all the time and I don't know why!

8. When you're stuck in traffic, do you ever sit there and look at the cluster of cars and wonder who is the idiot that is in the front that is causing the traffic?  I do all the time!

9. People who ask stupid questions.  I'm sure to them it might be a legitimate question, but really, who are you kidding, it is stupid.

10. Why do women overpack their suitcases when they travel?  I don't understand.  I guess because they want to be prepared for anything.

11. Why my children decide to put up such a fight when it is bed time.  I miss the days when they used to sleep all night and so easily.

12. Why are people constantly glued to their cell phones?  It's like everywhere I go, I see people playing on their phones.  

13. I will never understand why kids and adults bully others.  It truly saddens me when I see or hear about people getting bullied.

14. How can a human being do such horrible things to another child is beyond me.  I will never understand how a man or woman can abuse a child!  They're so defenseless.

15. With that being said, I don't understand how a human being can abuse animals either.  As a dog owner myself, I could never even think to hurt my sweet dog.

16. Sometimes I am so hungry that I could eat in huge quantities, but as soon as I have a plate full of food in front of me, I am left eating like a bird.

17. If water is supposed to be good for you and help you lose weight, how come I'm not super skinny?  I used to drink a lot of water and I never even lost a single pound!

18. Where do our fears of things come from?  I used to have an irrational fear of clowns but I don't know why because I never saw them anywhere.

19. How do some people wake up in the morning and dress themselves?  I look at their poor choice of unmatched clothes and think did you just pick up random things and put it on and think you look good?

20. In school, we are taught all these random things and the teachers all say the same thing, "you'll use it when you're an adult".. blah, blah, blah.  All the things I learned, I have really never used it in my adult life.

21. Why do people disrespect people that are different?  If you think about it, we are all different in one way or another.  Why treat others like they're different?

22. How come when I look at a word it looks like it is spelled wrong?  It drives me crazy because I am left wondering if I spelled it right or wrong.

23. Why do people even bother make appointments for doctors only to get turned down because they are booked and you can't be seen for two weeks?  Like do you plan to get sick two weeks in advance so you can see the doctor?

24. And on that note, why is it that you wait forever to see the doctor in the waiting room and then when you finally see your doctor, he's only in the room with you for like less than two minutes?  And they're so quick to prescribe medicine for you even if you don't really need it!

25. I also really don't understand people who are into being with multiple people at once.  I think it's called polygamy.  I don't understand how people can't just remain faithful to one person.

Anyway, those are some things that I am just totally baffled by.  Some may seem stupid, some may seem decent, but it's what I feel.  

Until next time!

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