
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Something new perhaps?

This is one of my favorite cards for two reasons.  One.. it has a dog and anyone who knows me knows I love dogs.  And two.. it has some cute bling on the collar.  I want to make a card like this for my best friend but she's already seen this so I have to come up with something else.  But right now I am actually in the process of making something so I will post that when I finish.  I am hoping that I will be done by Tuesday.  But I doubt it.

I just want to share that I am going to start something completely different with my blog starting next month.  It could go over well, but then again, it could be a complete bust.

I have not been inspired to make any cards lately.  I don't know why.  But I need to make something for my sister-in-law whose birthday is coming up in two weeks.  I have been in this mood to make this cool thing I saw on YouTube, but I can't disclose what yet as it is a surprise for a certain someone.  I don't know if they read my blog or not but if they do, I don't want the surprise to be ruined.

Until next time!

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