
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Humpity hump Wednesday

Today has been a somewhat better day than yesterday.  Yesterday during nap time when my daughter woke up, I woke my son up at the same time.  I didn't want him to take a long nap and make bed time difficult and I wanted to see if the shorter nap will help him sleep all night.  

Well, last night it took both of us a while to get both kids asleep.  But there are good news and bad news as far as them sleeping all night goes.  Good news.. he did sleep through the night.  Bad news.. she woke up at 10pm and ended up sleeping in our room again.  But the other good news is that I got at least six hours of uninterrupted sleep.  So, I guess the good outweighhed the bad last night.

Tonight for dinner will be pasta and red sauce.  I can't wait til it's all gone so I can start cooking the chicken.  I think we have a good two or three more meals out of the red sauce that is left.  Yey!

I have been so exhausted lately dealing with my son and his never-ending whining.  He's constantly whiny it seems.  I don't want to keep giving him milk and food to shut him up either because that's not the answer.  I pick him up to stop the whining, but then he wants down.  The only thing that makes him happy is when I have Yo Gabba Gabba on.  I am trying to cut back on that show because when he watches it, he doesn't play with his toys or interact with me or anything.  When he comes up to where I am, he puts my clothes in his mouth and creates holes in them.  I am getting exhausted just dealing with him.  

My husband tells me that our son is just being a boy.  But I have nothing to compare our son's behavior to.  I have a daughter who is 95% of the time well behaved and listens to me.  She never put things in her mouth.  At a very young age, I trusted her with a lot of things.  I knew she would never put things in her mouth and potentially choke on something.  I trust her with things I don't trust my son with.  

I'm just exhausted.

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