
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Happy third birthday

Today is my daughter's third birthday!  I still can't believe that she is three years old.  I hope and pray that three is better than two for her.  Today we went to go get bagels and donuts for her birthday.  We also went out in the backyard and my husband and her got to blow bubbles together and they even went in the pool for a bit, too.  I took care of our son who was somewhat fussy cause he was tired.

I didn't make anything this weekend except for the three cards I made for this lady.  I have a customer interested in a card of mine on etsy, so I am going to have to start making that card for them.  I hope I get more business soon because I really do enjoy being busy.  It makes the time go by fast for me.  As far as making anything for family members, I'll be making a couple more cards for them as their birthdays are quickly approaching.

In two weeks, my father-in-law will be out here.  I might not get to blog during the weekend he is here, but we'll see what he has planned.  I know my husband wants to smoke some ribs and we may even grill some corn and he wants me to make some coleslaw as well.  Not sure what else will be going on when he gets here though.

Ever since we started waking up at 6:00am instead of 5:00am, nap times have been such a drag every single day and night.  I struggled for an hour and fifteen minutes on Friday to get her to fall asleep but she wouldn't fall asleep so I decided to skip nap time and was hoping bed time would be easy for my husband since she'd be extra tired.  Nope.  It took him a hour to get her to fall asleep that night.  Then Saturday we woke up at 6:00am again and she didn't nap easily and didn't fall asleep that easily at night either.  For some reason, I thought skipping naps would make bed time a bit easier and would get her to sleep through the night because she would be so overly exhausted.  I guess I was wrong.  She's still waking up in the middle of the night and she still doesn't fall asleep easily.

Epic fail as a parent.

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